Letter to My Readers!

Welcome to my blog! I truely appreciate you stopping to read my posts... please feel free to leave feedback in the comment areas. I welcome positive and negative feedback. Definitly for the poems, I love when people provide me with comments so that I can better my pieces. I hope you enjoy!

Monday, August 11, 2008


first let me explain what non sense writing is...its when u jot down what ever comes to mind
it could be just a word, a sentence fragment or a complete sentence...doesnt matter...only thing is just dont stop writing! and when u dont know what to write next u repeat that last word over and over until something else comes to mind....try it some times!!! i find it helps during writers block! you never know where it would lead....so here i go and i hope u try this sometime....most certainly good for poets!!!!!

beat beat beat take a seat listen listen listen to the words that i speak
what are you in search of what do u seek seek sought i sought after what i couldnt grasp
piece of mind broken in shards shards shards shards/ scratch claw at the surface drill into the marrow and find the truth within/ breaking the molds of conformance and the cast of assimilation.....

thats just a demo but u should get the gist of it...
and when i read what i wrote a see a potiential poem in the making

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