Letter to My Readers!

Welcome to my blog! I truely appreciate you stopping to read my posts... please feel free to leave feedback in the comment areas. I welcome positive and negative feedback. Definitly for the poems, I love when people provide me with comments so that I can better my pieces. I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Calm Before The Storm

It was the night of the 14th of this month, and it was about 1 am in the morning. For some reason i decided to go out side at this hour at when i walked outside...it was this stillness in the atmosphere. Never had i experienced a moment like this... it was lightening with no thunder, the night wasnt hot nor cold, there was not even a slight gust of wind. the fact that there was absolutely no sound, was deafing. and to live in the inner city and not hear not one car creeping on the road was almost scary. and to look up at the sky to see blues, blacks and grays mix in the sky like a portrait of confusion that created such a mural of peace. i looked to the clouds and the connecting bolts of lightening and the pure moon...i, in that moment, awaited to see God's face. this encounter left me speechless and in a daze....and i knew for a fact that this was the calm before the storm.

And knowing this was the calm before the storm, i awaited for the storm and the storm came. Saturday morning came, and with it....death was at the door. Two women of God was called on home that i knew. And though, morbid as this could be, it is the storm much after the calm.

1 comment:

白忙 奇物Strange objects said...

Your great blog!
奇物Odd - 爵士新闻天天看(Sir News Daily look at) 每日更新(Daily update)一定要记住我的网址哦(I must remember the URL, oh) 希望可以成为好朋友(Hope that we can become good friends)为你们带来快乐是我的荣誉 谢谢!(To bring you happiness is my honor Thank you!) 本站网址URL:http://baimang2008.blogspot.com